David Helan

artist in residence November 2013, Czech Republic /

Artist's statement

"Just as I had been trying to have time to keep my activities free and wild as long as possible and go through all possible media, my main interest right now is to observe a potential for an activity called LP, based in the decision that with every activity I will start collaterally it is not ever possible to end with. The so called Long Play maxicycle considers change to be a process closed in a very specific playground. A very good example for this is the so called Encyclopedeia, which also documents my recent activities in a complex way. In cooperation with David Hrivnacky or with Milos Sejn I have found a way for showing my performative character and to multiconnect myself with other performance artists in the future."

Artist's Website


David Helan, born in 1979, was schooled in the School of Conceptual Tendencies by Prof. Milos Sejn at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. For interships he was sent to London and New York. He lives and works in Brno and Prague.

Solo Exhibitions

Crash Course of Slow Typing, CC Gallery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Saints Fiction History Since a Crucufiction Story, Koncept MU, Prague
Institute for Unteach Cooking, Berlinskej Model, Prague
Haló kompl, Phone Booths, Opava, Czech Republic
Lie! Cella Gallery, Opava, Czech Republic

Symfonia Three, Studio Letná, AVU, Prague

Situation 6, Pavilon Gallery, Prague
Elascendence I., Stolen Gallery, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
Encyclopedeia, Slowly-Bar, Brno, Czech Republic
Public Transcendence (Phantorama), Glasscheibe, Petra Vankova Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Phantomimiq, New Scene of National Theatre, Prague
Dictionary of Foreign Words, 100m3 Gallery, Všetaty u Mělníka, Czech Republic

Superdžungle – Level 1, Galerie mladých, BKC, Brno, Czech Republic

Dravověda, Vyšehrad Gallery, guest Jitka Nesnídalová, Prague
Mainly in front of the School, academical club Piano, Prague
Hot Water Breakdown, portable Gallery Cell in front of the Fine Art Academy Prague
I dont want to know more about your pivotal projects and no others, Jelení Gallery, Prague

Group Exhibitions (Selection)

I am Shaman, Artatak Gallery, Prague
Contrapopolar Artisti Asociali, Trafacka Gallery, Prague
45, Pragovka Hall, Prague

Kolar School of Olala, Karton Gallery, Karlin Studios, Prague
Other Visions 2012, exhibition of festival finalists, PAF, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Live Town Different, Lesser Town Square, Prague
Koncentrát V., „A4“, Crux Gallery, Brandýs nad Labem, Czech Republic
Concentrado V., „A4“, Galeria Apis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia
Vytvrzení 02, Umakart Gallery, Brno
Workplace of a Technopat, Orlovna Gallery, Old Water House, Kroměříž
Sculptures in Gardens III.. Casern, Květná zahrada, Kroměříž
Cabaret Vougaire, Perla Mode-Divo Institut, Zurich, Zwitzerland
Nitro Intro, Bunker Gallery, Nitra, Slovak Republic
Paradise Garden, Stolen Gallery, gardens of Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
Kolaboratorio Vol.2, Spa of Elektrické podniky building Vltavská, Praha
We Have a Moth at Home., with Ivan Svoboda, Enter Gallery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Artist is Elected, TIC Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
Holešovice Fashion Market, Prague
Imidža Turtles, Fine Arts Academy Gallery, Prague

Artyčok-Art Fair II., Divus Prager Kabaret, Prague
Fifth Through Ninth, Trafačka Gallery, Prague
Causality of Function, brewery Lobeč, Lobeč
1+(1+1)+1, MeetFactory, Prague
Chapel Liběchov, Liběchov Chapel, Czech Republic
Sculptures in Gardens II., Květná zahrada, Kroměříž, Czech Republic
Koncentrát IV., Made by Readymade, Chemistry Gallery, Prague
Koncentrát IV., Made by Readymade, Crux Gallery, Brandýs nad Labem, Czech Republic
VKV, Artbanka Museum of Young Art, Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, Prague
Performance Lab, with Pavla Scerankova, Dox, Prague

Start Point Selection, National Technical Library Gallery, Prague
Art Fair, Meet Factory, Prague
PHA X OVA, Aula Gallery, FaVU Brno
56 min and 16 sec from the Depository of Jelení Gallery, Jelení Gallery, Prague
Start Point 2010, prize for emerging artists, Gask, Kutná hora, Czech Republic
Koncentrát III. – Modest Art, Crux Gallery, Brandýs nad Labem, Czech Republic
Sculptures in Gardens, Květná zahrada, Kroměříž, Czech Republic
Fine Arts Academy Praha Graduates 2010, Nattional Gallery, Prague
Transgression, Videotage, presentation of Czech Republic video and media art, Hongkong

Exhibition Performances (Selection)

Zkamenělina zkomoleniny, with Milos Sejn, Artatak Gallery, Prague
Performánes, with Anna Hulacova, Manes for Artists, Manes, Prague
Euformance, GAVU, Prague
Deformens, with Adela Taublerova and Marek Hlavac, GAVU, Prague
Koncert 2 (Eye Acupuncture), with Adela Taublerova and Marek Hlavac, Sanatorium nad Lesem, Prague
Biscups of Cubism, St. Antonin Church, Sokolov
Tsetse Somnambulance CSC., Galeria CC, Bratislava
Ale nic syn Nema, with David Hřivňacký, Koncept MU, Praha
Futrům gastro trůn útrum, s Adéla Taublerová and Marek Hlaváč, Sanatorium nad Lesem, Praha
Chapter Stomach Draft, Berlinskej Model, Prague
„Heavy, Haveing, Try, Fly“, Cella Gallery, Opava
2012 „Jinotajga“, With Milos Sejn, Divus Pragerkabarett, Prague
„Skart Skart“, Karton Gallery, Karlin Studios, Prague
„Symfoniatry“, Slam Poetry, Kabinet Můz, Brno
„Desperando Language Christening“, Cabaret Voulgaire, Perla Mode, Zurich, Switzerland
„Nitra Tea Party“, with David Hřivňacký, Bunker Gallery Nitra, Slovak Republic
„Grand Slam Suprafoniatry, Slam Poetry, Kabinet Můz, Brno
„Tajga Bezděskar“, with M. Šejn, department of Enviromental studies FSS MU, Brno
„Puch sebezáchodu (Soap performance)“, Spa of Elektrické podniky building, Prague
„Cultural Presence Analysis“, Enter Gallery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
„Omnia Jam“, with David Hřivňacký, Bookshop Polí5, Prague
„Stand Art“, D1 Highway, with David Hřivňacký

„Enlightenment“, with David Hřivňacký, 207 Gallery, VŠUP, Prague
„Ortesa“, „Quadriennale of Unqualified“, with Miloš Šejn, Trafačka Gallery, Prague
„Studio Camerata“, exhibition „Sculptures in Gardens II“, with D. Hřivňacký, Kroměříž
„David Bowie 3D“, with David Hřivňacký, DOX, Prague

„Telepathies“, performance with D.Hřivňacký for BTV, Aula Gallery, FaVU Brno
performance „Global Insultation“, exhibition „PHA X OVA“ Aula Gallery, FaVU Brno
presentation of text „Copistic School“, „Moisture or Miracle“, Půda Gallery, Jihlava
„Sem se rozšoup se šerošou (Heliosis)“, exhibition „Roboondra“, Trafačka Gallery, Prague
„A Short Magic and a Slow tale“, with Miloš Šejn, „Genvs Cantoris“, Mendel Muzeum, Brno

portfolio_Helan.pdf (pdf, 2.5 mb)