Szilvia Nagy

artist in residence April 2012, Hungary /

Szilvia Nagy is an anthropologist and curator. Lives and works in Budapest, Hungary. She established the Miskolc Institute of Contemporary Art (M.ICA), and was leading it between 2008-2012. She started her studies at ELTE University, Faculty of Humanities, Doctoral Program in Film, Media and Contemporary Culture in 2010. Supervisors: Dr. Léna Pellandini-Simányi and Dr. Péter György. Her research topic is the Socio-cultural function in the art space.


My research looks at the ways new museology and progressive institutional form have been transferred and adapted in Eastern Europe, in an economical-political background that is radically different from those countries where these theories originated. My hypothesis is that this adaptation depends largely on the existing social, political and institutional conditions, which enable or block the implementation of progressive institutional forms. Furthermore, my research investigates if these new, web-type participatory museums could be the means and patterns of museum transformation in Eastern societies; if the Social Web as an institutional structure could lead to a new model where events substitute exhibitions, where participants replace attendants by creative content creation, sharing and discussions.

To evaluate this question my research uses case studies in thematically chosen Western and Eastern European art institutions, which are at a different level of the participatory transformations. To get an outline of the adaptations and changes, I would like to compare a Western cultural institution established by the means of new museology (WUK, Vienna), a Western progressive project (Artothec, n.b.k.), a participatory/transitory art project in Ljubljana (MoTA) and a Moldavian art association (Oberliht).