curator in residence february 2015 Czech Republic /
I want to dedicate my time in Vienna to research related to the exhibition I will curate at the Emil Filla Gallery in Usti nad Labem in spring 2016. During my month in Vienna I intend to spend a good deal of time in the ERSTE Foundation Library which I have already encountered as a very useful resource of information. The topic of the exhibition is still kind of shifting, yet it should be connected with exploration of a hypothesis that there is to be found a distinctively contemporary approach to fields of interest that have been predominant in Central&Eastern-European (examinations of memory, identity, “socmodernism” etc.).
Jan Zálešák (*1979) is curator, critic and teacher. He is a Ph.D. graduate of the Department of Art Education at Masaryk University in Brno. Since 2011 he has been an assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology.
A range of his interests is broad: from participatory art practice (he published the book Umění spolupráce on this topic in 2011) to historiographical turn in Central-European art (an exhibition and the book Past Future, 2013), and post-internet aesthetics.