Katarína Gatialová

curator in residence April 2015, Slovakia /


"I would like to process several subjects that I aim to develop: The first of them relates to the work and the topic that is associated with issues of cultural and curatorial work in context of our emerging institution Nova synagoga / kunsthalle Zilina.
My aim is to learn about the most progressive ways of exhibition-making and its combining with vivid accompanying program.
The second field of interest refers to introduce in Vienna our work in Zilina and discuss with both, professionals and public, our approach towards organizing exhibitions, discussions and other types of cultural events.
Furthermore I would like to focus on the Viennese media art scene, which is connected with my professional activities as a curator and critic of media art."


Katarína Gatialová is an art historian, curator, and graphic designer, and graduated in art history from the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University, Bratislava (MA, Political Poster in Slovakia, 1968-1989, 2009), and also in graphic design from Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava (BA).
Katarína currently works as a curator and a visual arts programmer at Nova synagoga / kunsthalle Zilina, Plusminusnula gallery in Zilina and collaborates with Stanica Zilina-Zariecie cultural node. She is also a co-organizer of Multiplace festival.
She worked as a curator of modern art at the Olomouc Museum of Art (2010 - 2012) where she launched the Central European Art Database, a project linking digitised collections of the museums and galleries in Visegrád countries. She was a co-curator of Remake / REthinking Media Art in K(C)ollaborative Environments, an international art project aimed in creation and presentation of new works inspired by the history of media arts (2010-12). Katarína worked also as an editor of Kinecko magazine, and a collaborator of 13m3 collective.

Portfolio_GatialovÃ&i.pdf (pdf, 5.1 mb)