Maja Štefančíkova

artist in residence February - March 2012, Slovakia /

In my artwork I deal with the questions of the subject, history and audience. The object of my research is the role of a spectator as a subject and an object of the art work and the effort he/she puts in the perception, understanding / non-understanding and the following interpretation of the piece of art. Presently I am a first-year university student of PhD programme in the atelier of video and multimedia production by the supervision of doc. Anna Daučíková at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.


My project will be a continuation of my current research, where I have already dealt with the question of the subject in art. I would also like to continue with the analysis of audience/spectator as a phenomenon and to extend it to another patterns (such as gender, social, cultural patterns). The observed spectators should respond to cinema, music, fine art and also to literature. I will observe their reactions to different types of presentation; analyzing spectator’s point of view in different conditions (galleries, cinemas, TVs...)