curator in residence July 2018, Czech Republic /
In my work, I deal with two activities in parallel, one is my own art creation and the second my curatorial activities.
In my artistic work: I have been working on the cycle Time and Environment. At this moment, more or less, not limited by time with expected / partly varied / outputs in the course of its existence. Movement in the real time and environment / also in the course of traveling, getting to know, comparing. Time and matter - to view space - to perceive space.
Everyday reality and its traces. A certain archive of memory / thinking / in accordance with a certain environment analysis / with everything it offers - using the most economical means (paper, collage, photo, drawing, print..) / the way records come into being. A contrast of simplicity with a large number of levels in which reading is possible, A relationship between the real and the artificial. There comes about the question of authenticity of what we see, experience, and of what addresses and influences us... Space / the environment.. / the way three-dimensionality is perceived. The way a two-dimensional space may be perceived - perceiving its flatness, distinguishing surfaces. The way the sensual perception of surfaces and colours can be arranged / arbitrarity / can be categorised. Relationships "between" watching - perceiving - portraying things.
Physical experiences come into being in accordance with a recollection / mental spaces / I am interested in the diary character of the record, which contains a gap "between" - the thing and our perception of this thing / this can be a piece of paper, as much as a monumental or minor architecture... What creates the environment and what disturbs it. Subjectivity in time and the environment - factuality versus fiction. The idea of the image and the word, space and thinking, the exhibition and the book.
This will give origin to a space with intervention sugguesting considerations, not an answer, but a record of "fact" - ideas, doubts and questions.
Curatorial activities: I have been working for twenty years as a curator of The Gallery of Contemporary Art and Architecture at The House of Art Ceske Budejovice and I have already prepared more than 170 exhibitions.
It's a gallery with an international programme. Each year about 8 exhibitions take place, of wwhich about 5-6 by renowned international artists and architects. You can see previous shows in our archive:
Very important for me is also to explore new environments and have the opportunity to work here.
1996 – Working Stay – Oguni and Kasama - Japan
1997 – Young Art – Passau / D / - The First Prize
1998 – so far – Curator – Contemporary Art and Architecture Gallery / The House of Art České Budejovice
2005 – Tranzit CZ – Grant – Praha
2015 – AiR – Artist in Residence – Krems / A /
2016 – Architect of Year – Honorable Mention
2017 – Architecture Czech Award – Unique Feat
SOLO EXHIBITIONS (selection - latest)
2014 - ENVIRONMENT OF TIME - The New Architecture Center – Ostrava
PRESENCEABSENCE – Na shledanou Gallery - Volyne
SITTING AND STANDING – Jeleni Gallery - Prague
2015 - MICHAL SKODA – LENT INTERVENTION - The Academic Church of the Holy Saviour - Prague
AROUND – SPZ Gallery - Prague
2016 - WITHIN THE PROCESS – Kvalitar Gallery - Prague
2017 - RECIPROCAL – MICHAL SKODA, DOROTA WALENTYNOWICZ - Stadtpark Gallery – Krems / A /