Children's newspaper
The newspaper Tohle nejsou blbosti (This is not baloney) is the result of the intensive work of the children's editorial team, which met from June to August 2024. The interviews and drawings were created in Prague during the suburban camp and workshops The Great Land of Small at the Trade Fair Palace, nearby and in the Old Town, as part of the exhibition project of the Biennale Matter of Art 2024. During the joint programme, children became actors in the editorial office and tried out different ways to capture and share their thoughts, opinions, dreams and ideas - from audio recordings to newspaper contributions to drawings.
Authors of contributions: Stanislava Arlova, Marek Barták, Václav Barták, Naďa Bělíčková, Nina Bělíčková, Rozalinda Bledá, Anička Brabcová, Kateřina Brabcová, Brigit, Sebastian Connelly, William Connelly, Laura Čapková, Nikol Žofie Čechová, Vanda Anna Čechová, Marie Čtveráčková, Ema Doležalová, Daniel Dostál, Max Dvořák, Brenda Gašparová, Ester Grohová, Maya Hašková, Irvine Hill, Ladislav Híra, Melisa Hírová, Nikol Holubová, Emilie Honkova, Antonie Horáčková, Viola Horvathová, Damián Hrábek, Delie Hrábková, Olena Hrudzynska, Klára Jiránková, Adam Jurečko, Medard Klodner, Eva Koťátková, Eliška Landová, Anna Žofie Langová, Mája Frida Langová, Melina Lazaridisová, Patricie Lešková, Antonie Macúchová, Michael McCollum, Stanislav Miliaiev, Evelina Miliaieva, Nela Pietrová, Tadeáš Polák, Sofie Primusová, Kevin Pulko, Jakob Schubert, Ondřej Schut, Kateřina Schutová, Tereza Stejskalová, Magda Stojowska, Vincent Šimek, Barbora Šimková, Stela Švecová, Isabel Tkáčová, Tyger, Marie Zachová, Honza Žiga, Julie Žigová
The newspaper is published by the initiative as part of the Art Space Unlimited project, co-financed by the European Union and supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Česká edice
Editors: Redakce: Eva Koťátková
Design: Day Shift Office
City: Praha
Year: 2024
Pages: 40
ISBN/ISSN: 978-80-87259-64-1
Czech edition
Publisher:, Prague, 2024
Proofreading: Kamila Sýkorová
Redaction: Eva Koťátková
Production: Karin Akai, Max Dvořák, Ester Grohová, Nela Pietrová
Photo: Tereza Havlínková, Kajetán Adler Jablonský
Graphic design: Day Shift Office
Printing: TYGR U STROMOVKY spol. s r.o.
Pages: 40
ISBN: 978-80-87259-64-1