Editor: Zsuzsa László (tranzit.hu)
Contributors: Ieva Astahovska (Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art), Ivana Bago (Zagreb/ Duke University), Daniel Grúň (Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava), Dóra Hegyi (tranzit.hu), Yelena Kalinsky (Rutgers University), Journal “pARTisan” (Minsk)/Olga Kopenkina (independent curator and critic, New York), Mari Laanemets (Art History Institute at Tallinn Art Academy), Ewa Małgorzata Tatar (Instytut Sztuki Wyspa), Dovile Tumpytė (National Gallery of Art, Vilnius), Jelena Vesić (Belgrade / Van Eyck),
Assistants: Barbara Dudás, Luca Szűcs
Website: Dávid Karas, Balázs Sziklai, András Szőnyi
Translation: John Bátki, Adél Eisenstein, Justin Ions, Andres Kurg, Ewa Mikina, Zsófia Rudnay, Bea Sándor, Zsuzsanna Szegedy-Maszák
Copy-editor: Max Vasa Bach, Niamh Dunphy
Partners: Artpool Art Research Center, Miklós Erdély Foundation, Petőfi Literary Museum – Kassák Museum, Portable Intelligence Increase Museum (superintendant: Tamás St.Auby)
Special thanks: Gábor Andrási, László Beke, Judit Csatlós, Petra Csizek, Katalin Izinger, György Jovánovics, Tamás St.Auby, Dóra Maurer, Edit Sasvári, Annamária Szőke
Contact: exhibition.history[at]gmail.com
The archive is realized in the framework of the international project, Recuperating the Invisible Past, which receives a grant from the Culture 2007 program of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.
Publisher: Tranzit Hungary Public Benefit Association
When authors, copyright holders, or photographers are not indicated they are unknown.