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First talk


First event:
Time: 12th March 2012, 18:00-21:00
Venue: tranzit .hu, Budapest 1068, Király St. 102., 1st floor
Invited speakers: Ágnes Gagyi, social researcher and János Sugár, artist
Moderators: Zsuzsa László (tranzit .hu), Kristóf Nagy (TEK), Bálint Németh (TEK)
: AMBPA (Association of Mouth and Brain Painters of the World)

János Sugár: Gyorskultúra (Fast Culture) flyer, 1985, back side, paper, ink, pencil, 21,5 x 30 cm

During the first talk, we discuss, on the basis of viewing documents together, the crisis of the intellectual and dissident roles and the opportunities of educational and critical initiatives organized from below before and after the regime change. We will talk about dissident positions, the artist group Indigo Csoport (1976-1988), the discussion series Gyorskultúra (Fast Culture) organized between 1984-1988, ‘flying universities’- informal lecture series of dissident intellectuals held in private flats, the Hungarian October Party (active between 1989-1991), student revolutions, visions of cultural politics, interconnections of civil activism, political role-taking, and cultural industry.

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