artist in residence April 2013, Hungary /
Artist's statement
"During my stay at q21/MQ I would like to realise weekly one or two eat-art performances. I make eat-art performances, videos and photos. I will show my already existing performances (Green Paradise-Tomato; Haj’m Vénusz=Hey, I’m Venus; Candy Venus bakes; Raupeeintopf) and I will present new eat-art performances for Vienna’s people.
Besides my research and my art I take interviews with contemporary Hungarian female artists (for example with Benczúr Emese, Németh Ilona, Eperjesi Ágnes, Csáky Marianne). During my residency programme in Vienna I also want to meet and conduct interviews with some contemporary women artists."
I got my degree as a painter in June 2011 at Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, under the wings of Orsolya Drozdik. I am a paintress and an eat-art performer. I consider myself as a member of the new generation of women artists, while I also accept the role of wife. I feel it is a radical decision to wear and use my husband’s surname (Fajgerné) and to express my belonging to him surrounded by women artists who do not act the same way. Currently, I paint the beauty of married life and the difficulties with mythological scenes through my pictures (Andromeda and Perseus series, Danae, Venus and Cupid, Compromise series). Depicting life in a new type of marriage in which husband and wife are co-equal and help each other achieve their goals, they live with a compromise, which is suitable for both parties. A new type of man and woman do not conform to the stereotypes imposed by society, but they found the balance and the joy and love of live.
fajgerne_eatart_flyer.pdf (pdf, 552 kb)