Borbála Szalai

curator in residence April 2016, Hungary /


My main objective during the residency is to develop some ideas dealing with the genre of performance-lecture. I'm planning to make some further research in the theoretical background of this hybrid genre, which balances on the boundary between art and academia, incorporating some characteristics of artistic research, academic lecture, public speech and narrative techniques. I would like to map the Viennese art-scene from this point of view; contact artists and curators, organize portfolio-meetings and discuss the possibilities of some new formats in performance art. In parallel to this, I would like to use this opportunity to get familiar with the emerging-art scene of Vienna from a more general point of view as well, and contact some non-profit institutions and grassroots initiatives.


Borbála Szalai (b. 1983) is a curator based in Budapest, Hungary. She graduated at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest - Department of Art History. Since 2012 she is working as a curator at Trafó Gallery, Budapest and she is the editor of the Hungarian section of Artyčok.TV, international research, media and digital archive of contemporary art. She was a member of the curatorial board of the first OFF-Biennale Budapest in 2015 and she is a member of the management board of Curators' Network, an international platform for promotion and interconnection of art professionals.