Tereza Zachová

curator in residence May 2017, Czeck Republic /


My curatorial projects are oriented towards artistic process, site-specific forms, and inner intuition, and consider topics such as quantum physics, ecology, food systems and participatory thinking: a combination of elements from ordinary life. I would like to develop these themes as they relate to speculation about the current and (future?) state of our society. These phenomena have been inspiring for me, as has the butterfly effect — a concept developed by the American scientist Edward Lorenz. During my residency period in Vienna, I would like to develop these ideas further, and to explore the literature from Erste Stiftung Library or. At the same time, I will focus on engaging with the local art scene in Vienna by getting in contact with curators, artists, and mediators from museums, who are interested in discussing these speculative topics. I would also like to learn more about their approaches to the international art scene.


Tereza Záchová was born in Jihlava, CZ. She studied in Ústí nad Labem, CZ, graduating from three programs: Curatorial Studies (in the Department of History and Theory of Art in the Faculty of Art and Design); the Department of Art Education (in the Faculty of Education); and in Human Studies: Focus on Aesthetics (in the Department of Politics and Philosophy). Her diploma work focused on galleries in public space, and the museum as an artistic medium.
She works as a curator and art educator based in Prague.
She is the founder of a curatorial project / site-specific gallery, called BUŇKA, situated in a public park in the city of Ústí nad Labem. She works for 35m2 Gallery, a non-profit gallery in Prague, for Regional Gallery in Liberec, or as a freelance curator developing her own projects. She has taught art education and art history in high schools, and now she works several programs in Dox – Centre of Contemporary Art in Prague and also she helps with some other programme in MeetFactory.. In 2016, she was in residence at Mustarinda in Finland, where she spent time researching the Mustarinda Association and especially the ecological technologies of the residency house itself.