Václav Magid

artist in residence July 2012, Czech Republic /


*1979 Leningrad, SSSR

Václav Magid lives and works as artist, curator and writer in Prague,Czech Repulic .
He studied from 2001 – 2006 at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague (Liberal Arts and Humanities) and from 2008 – up to now – at Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (Philosophy).
Since 2006 he works at the Research Centre of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, as research worker, editor-in-chief of the magazine Notebook of Art, Theory and Related Zones.


During my residency at MuseumsQuartier I’m planning to work on a paper, in which I will examine possibilities to maintain Adorno’s conception of art’s criticality in contemporary conditions. While Adorno sees formalist autonomous art as a “promise of reconciliation”, the origin of what we call “contemporary art” is marked by strong criticisms of formalism and aesthetic autonomy. Nevertheless, I will argue that Adorno’s modernist conception of the social function of art could be (at least in some respects) still valid today.