Underground exhibition-auction
This underground exhibition-auction took place in the Belarusian Art and Theater Institute in Minsk (now known as the Academy of Arts). Participants included students from the Institute, and untrained artists or painters. Artists exhibited their work for sale so that other artists and friends could buy the work in exchange for a token payment. This was the first attempt to exhibit (and sell) artists’ works outside of the official institutions entiteled for the selection and ranking of the works.
Source: Volha Archipava. Belarusian Avant-garde of the 1980s. ‘pARTisan’s Collection’ series. Minsk 2012. http://partisanmag.by/
Date: May 1982
Participants: Alena Byalyaeva, Uladzimer Lapo, Khvedar Saroka, Henadz Khatskeich, Maksim Klimkovich, Ukladzimir Stsyapan, Leanid Eutukh, Ihar Tsyshyn, Valiantsin Dzialendzik, and others
Organizer: Adam Hlobus
Location: Belarusian Art and Theater Institute, Minsk