Viktor Kótun

artist in residence June/July 2013, Hungary /

Artist's statement

"In the last few years i was involved in various artistic and cultural activities with a critical approach. As a founding member of the active archive Plágium2000 i organized (2008-2012) many collaborative, research-based shows in the fields of conceptual / Fluxus multiples (both in Budapest and Stuttgart ), researches on the phenomena of the fanzine culture (through shows, mail art project and zine fairs) and networking collaborations on various street marking projects (like book publishing, street documentation, alternative sightseeing etc.).
In the context of my conceptual activities I shifted my focus from the networking and the object producing aspect more to actions. I’m performing in various contexts actions of my own, of my collegues or actions introduced formerly by other artists (Endre Tót, Ken Friedman, George Brecht, Miklós Erdély etc.).
In Vienna I want to organize a workshop continuing the multiple archivist project through introducing the historical context of the plagiarists, avantgardists, the history of our shows, introducing some selected multiples and actions, understanding both through the history/theory and the actual action of reproducing it. Through this process the participants realize the difference made by the real action marking the disadvantages of pure conceptualism. The participants are fostered to come up with their own ideas of multiple recipes or action concepts."


1984 born in Budapest. After finishing his MA in communication theory he is now working on his thesis at the DLA department at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.


MA in communication theory, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) faculty of arts, media department

DLA scholarship
Hungarian Fine Art Academy (MKE)

Artpool Art Research Institute
researcher of Fluxus, bookworks and 'zines

Plágium2000 Active Archive & Small Press

Selected exhibitions

2003 Gerilla Propaganda Non Stop Workshop, Dinamo, Bpest
2005 Street Art, Millenáris, Budapest (w/ Indyvisual group)
2006 On Differnce #2, Kunstverein Stuttgart (w/ Kaszás Tamás)
2008 Dimensionist Present, Artpool P60, Budapest (w/ Indyvisual)
2008 Colouring, Hungarian Institute, Bratislava (w/ Kangiszer D.)
2009 Colouring, Forma Festival, Sturovo (w/ Kangiszer Dóra)
2010 Stand up, Hungarian avantgarde!, 1x1 billboard, Budapest (w/ Indyvisual)
2010 Tabu Script, kArton gallery, Budapest – Sofia, (w/ ArtFaceAgency group)
2012 New Poetry, New Paintings, Liget Gallery, Budapest (w/ Hajdu Zsolt)

External Links
Artist's website

kotun-viktor-portfolio.pdf (pdf, 2.5 mb)